Summer party

Club House, Barton Close

This date is a little fluid, but the principle holds.

Jason Simmons – Hypnosis lecture

Club House, Barton Close

Jason Simmons to host a lecture teaching hypnotic techniques that can be applied to magic performances. 

Open variety competion (Chris Latham competition)

Club House, Barton Close

Are you a budding magician, ventriloquist, comedian or original singer/songwriter? Bexley magic society is opening its doors to the arts for one night where you can come along and show us what you've got. We're looking for unique acts to perform and be in with the chance of winning a cash prize!! 

Visiting lecture – Robert Phipps- Body Language secrets

Club House, Barton Close

We have a really unique visiting lecture, a real treat for you as Body language expert Robert Phipps joins us at Bexley magic society sharing the secrets of body language and how they can be used to improve your performance, gain rapport, and build condfidence. 

Jason Simmons – Building your online presence

Club House, Barton Close

Jason Simmons to host an evening sharing some tools and techniques that you can use to build your online presence, how to create an electronic press kit that you can present to bookers. 

Kevin Doig – Acting and Presentation skills

Club House, Barton Close

Kevin Doig presents an evening of entertainment delivering his popular lecture covering performance and using the stage to your advantage. If you’re a performing magician you will get loads out of this lecture. 

Visiting lecture – El Baldiniho

Club House, Barton Close

El baldiniho is a comedy headline act, childrens entertainer and holiday park guest entertainer who has been making a living from magic for more than a decade. El will be sharing tips and tricks of the trade that can give you a leg up in to the world of magic.     

Terry Herbert – This is Your Life

Club House, Barton Close

Life Honary Member Terry Herbert gets presented with 'the big red book' as members of the magic community come together to share anecdotes and stories about Mr. Herbert over the course of the evening, 

Club show – Friends and family night

Club House, Barton Close

We have been working hard on our acts throughout the year now its time to show them what you've got. We're hosting a fun filled evening where our members are transformed into the stars of the show.  Friends and family are welcome to come along and give support to their loved ones.

Christmas party – Act to be arranged

Club House, Barton Close

With December being a busy month, we're looking for friends and family to join us for an evening at a local restaurant (TBA) for a night of entertainment, good food and some alcohol

Pre-Christmas Clear out!!

Club House, Barton Close

Need some extra space before Christmas? Is your other half nagging saying that you've got too much magic? Perhaps you need some extra cash for Christmas or you've got something that you just want to get rid of some of your unused tricks? If so, bring it along to our club auction where they'll go […]

Christmas drinks

An informal evening that could be held at the local pub, to see out the year and have a good catch up. Leave the car at home for this one :)